Choosing to be a Steward

Why would I want to be an event steward?

Taking on the role of Event Steward for an event can be one of the most frustrating adventures you can imagine, but it can also be one of the most rewarding and satisfying experiences as well. It is my favorite way to give back to this organization that has given me so much; the society and company of like-minded people.

Am I qualified to do this?

If you are thinking about volunteering to autocrat an event, here are some things to consider (and be realistic here):

– How successful you will be is entirely dependent on how diligent you are in asking questions, finding answers and following through on the details.
– Will your life (work, friends and family) allow you enough time to do a good job?
– Are you willing to commit several months to one project (for Crown events it could be a year or more)?
– Do you have the temperament to work with all the people that you will interact with?
– How is your health over a stretch of 6+ months?
– How adaptable are you when plans go awry?
– How do you act/feel/behave under stress?

If you answered positively to these questions, you will find much information on this site that will be useful as you explore event management.

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