Widgets, Worksheets and other goodies to make running an event easier.
Creating a Bid
Event Bid Checklist What do you need to do before you put in an event bid
Budget Template A basic template for figuring out the budget (excel format)
Event Bid Form from Couer Du Val A good example to start from
An Tir Event Stewards Handbook Updated April 2013
Event Stewards Checklist From bid through the event
Crier Copy Content Checklist Getting copy into the Crier can be stress free
How Many Bifs A widget that will help you estimate how many Bifs/Privys you will need to rent for the event (excel format)
On The Road Links and widgets for checking road, weather, air and fire conditions
Site Fee Exemptions Checklist By Kingdom law, there are people who are not required to pay site fee. This sheet is set up to be filled out before the event and handed to gate so they know who is not required to pay.
After the Event
After Event CheckList You’re event is over, but you’re not quite done being a Steward
Event Reports A useful version of an after event report form. Kingdom events require a specific form, local events generally don’t require a specific form, just that the information be reported in a useful way.
Sharing the Experience
Experienced Stewards: Do you have tools not listed here that you use and would be willing to share? Please comment below
New Stewards: Are there tools you need that you do not see here? Please comment below
Would it be possible to make the pdfs as editable files? That way we could get a copy of them and edit them for our own events? As is, I can print and check things off, but I’d like to be able to do that online or on my computer and then print out a copy for business meeting and for the event book at the end.
Thank you! These are great resources!
I’m still working on a way to do that on this format – Word docs are generally too large to upload here. Until I get it figured out in a sensible way, if you see docs that you want to use/edit, email me, and I’ll email the doc version back to you.