In the style of period guilds, the Costumers Guild has a system of challenge levels achieved through testing and evaluation. There are four levels in the challenge process: Junior Student, Senior Student, Journeyman, and Scholar. Completion of a level conveys that rank within the Guild. The requirements for each level provide a structured learning experience and serve as benchmarks for levels of achievement in costuming. The Costumers Guild encourages all of its members to challenge themselves to improve the breadth, depth, and quality of their costume knowledge in this non-competitive environment.
Time and Location
The Guild holds challenges a minimum of two times per year. We typically hold challenges at Crown events. In addition, challenges may be held by request at other events such as Ithras, Baronial events, and A&S events. We publish the time and location of a challenge in a variety of ways including the Costumers Guild email, on the event's Web site, the Crier, the FTSO (Costumers Guild Newsletter), Costumers Guild Web site, and during the Costumers Guild meetings.
Judging of Challenge Entries
The judging panels are made up of Guild members who have already achieved the level you are challenging. If sufficient qualified members are not available for your level, outside experts will be included in the panel. If multiple entries are presented at the same event, the same panel of judges will view all entries.
Requirements for All Levels
- Entries must fall within thegenerally accepted dates (pre-1650) and cultures of the SCA.
- The challenger must be a member of the Costumers Guild at the time of the challenge.
- Once something has been used as an entry, it cannot be submitted again in the challenges.
- The challenger must do his/her own work on each entry, and must present their work in person.
- Garments and accessories used as challenge entries may be made for yourself or for someone else. The only requirement is that a human being must wear all garments and accessories during the judging process.
- Only garments and accessories are judged. If you have taken a class, taught a class, competed in a Kingdom, Principality, or Baronial A&S Contest, or done service to the Guild, notify the Education Coordinator and provide the applicable supporting documentation, and your records will be updated.
Processes for All Levels
- Judging of challenge entries will be done on a first-come, first-served basis, within the limits of the judges’ time, location availability, and event schedule.
- Contact the Education Coordinator ahead of the event to let them know what level you are challenging and what items you will be bringing, so that we can schedule qualified judges.
- The challenges are not done in private. Challenges are held at outdoor events and in large open conference rooms. All interested Guild members and student judges are welcome to observe the challenge process.
- Challengers are encouraged to network and discuss their work with other guild members and experienced costumers. If you cannot find the resources you need, please contact the Education Coordinator.
- The Guild aims to make the challenges a positive learning experience. If you have an unpleasant or unexpected experience, please let one of the Guild Officers know right away, so that we can address the problem.
Level Emblems
The symbol of the Guild is a distaff Or. This symbol may be displayed as a pendant, pin, brooch, or other form as desired by members of the Guild with level emblem augmentations for those who have achieved ranks within the Guild. Augmentations of the Guild symbol are:
- Junior Student - Rose Quartz
- Senior Student - Pearl
- Journeyman - Malachite
- Scholar - a different gem is given each time this level is achieved:
- Lapis
- Carnelian
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Topaz
- Garnet
- Tourmaline
- Ruby
- Emerald
- Diamond
Members are responsible for obtaining their own badge, by either commissioning it or making it themselves. The Guild presents a gem once for each level attained. If a gem is lost, or you want to have more than one badge, you are responsible for obtaining the appropriate gems. Your badge and gems can be any size.
See the Appendices for a glossary of terms and other information.
Please contact the Challenges Coordinator if you have any questions.